This tool is intended to assist BEAD Applicants in proposal planning. A user may either upload their own route or link their own ArcGIS Feature Service to return the percentage distribution of BLM land within a user-defined distance around the selected route.
There is no usage for this tool.
Parameter | Explanation |
Route_Input | Input the route for which you would like to generate a report of surrounding BLM land ownership. You may upload your own shapefile (needs to be a zip file containing the .shp, .dbf., and .shx), or link to your own hosted ArcGIS Feature Service. Please note that this tool may not run properly if the user-defined route is too large or complex, so it is best to filter your route to an area of interest before running this tool. |
Buffer_Distance | The user will specify a value and accompanying unit of distance (e.g., 1 mile; 3 kilometers) to determine the buffer size around the user’s route. Distribution of BLM land ownership will be summarized within this buffer. |
Buffer_FC | . |
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